Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Surina Meets The Sun

Yesterday was a beautiful day. At five in the evening the temperature rose to sixty. The sun was shining and the grass sported its new tentative green shade. Jyoti bundled up Surina and took her out onto the driveway. Surina gleefully turned to the sun to enjoy its rays on her face. It must be instinctive to pay homage to the life giving Surya.
Jyoti and Jeff had left Surina with us for four days and gone to Detroit to visit some friends and to watch the final four games of the National Basketball Championship. They were to return on Monday but flew back a day earlier. First separation is very hard on new parents. While they were away we stayed in touch through the phone. In addition Surina kept them informed of her daily routine via text messaging; but there is nothing like actually being there.
First meeting between mother and daughter was effusive. There were fireworks on both sides.
They could not get enough of each other. For a while they shut out the world.
She has 'first lady' status with the mamus. Their phone and face book are plastered with Surina's pictures.
She holds their hearts in her hands and knows it.
Surina is four and a half months now.
At 16 lbs. she is the most precious thing in our home. Her many moods and expressions amaze and amuse us constantly.
She can stare you down with her unblinking eyes
Or melt your heart with winsome smile.
She is a charmer. There are no two ways about it.
Whenever she comes over we drop everything and spend time playing with her.
Suraj loves to fly her like an airplane.

Ravi loves to play barbie doll with her.
(He always did like to play with dolls as a kid - to the extreme annoyance of Suraj).
Ravi is convinced she looks like him.
Burlingtons see her as the spitting image of Jeff.
Sachi and I see many of our family members reflected in her.
I put the black bindi on her to keep off the evil eye.
She is carrying all of us into the future.
Last month the Burlingtons held the baptism ceremony for Surina at their church; the same church where Jyoti and Jeff got married. It was a beautiful ceremony.
Surina looked like a white lotus flower.
Naren and Vivek were chosen as the 'God Fathers'. They stood with Jyoti and Jeff and took the oath to nurture and guide her. Surina could not have found better guardians than them. Watch out world!
All the Burlingtons and Mahapatras got together to celebrate this occasion. It was a wonderful family gathering. Later Jim and Norma treated all of us to dinner at the Wilderness Ridge Lodge. We spent a lot of time playing with our pretty angel.
And admiring the young men vying for her attention.
Of course that does not mean they did not horse around. They sure looked good and made us feel very proud.
Surina gobbled up the attention like a trooper and was back to her usual routine next morning. We grown ups took a little longer to recover.
Her afternoon naps are supervised by Aja while he contemplates the News in the Newspaper. Her eyes are covered with cloth to help her sleep. If we forget to do that she uses her hands to cover them.
She loves roaming the house on Ravi mamu's shoulders
and being tickled by Suraj mamu.
But nothing matches cuddling with dad.
Grandma Norma visits often to make her feel super special
Biji pampers her with long baths and dines and shines her till she thinks the world revolves around her.
Of course she is absorbing every version of this world being presented to her.
"I will sort things out for myself later. Right now I just want to be cool."
For I have these cousins to impress. They have been queens since before I was born.
Not to worry though. Life is nothing if not a challenge.

And I accept it.
Sachi and I love all of you who sign in and follow the blog. Thanks Babi for enriching the entry with your beautiful words. Thanks Leema for sharing a slice of your wonderful life with us. We all may be scattered all over the world but are joined together in this digital medium.

"Where there is a will there is a way"


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for a delightful and a "picturesque" run through dearest Surina's royal life with her entourage. I can see how SHE is the whole world now. She is truly adorable. As many of you seem to be claiming her looks, I thought I would be generous and leave the looks to all of you, since I already have a claim on her middle name. And I am
loving it. I feel like putting my hands inside the lap-top and picking her up. I am sure it is not too far in the future when one would be able to do so - something that had already been fantasized in Star Trek. Imagine, in that case, Surina spending some days in Lincoln and some with us in Delhi when Jyoti and Jeff are at work!

Wish you all a very Happy Easter and a lovely time together-------ofcourse around Surina.

Daddy, Biji are sending lots of blessings and I lots of love.


Unknown said...

'Daer ayad - Drust ayad' (What comes late - comes right). Apology for implied self-praise
The centre of focus from all sides being on Surina has inspired me to offer a small poem as a tribute from my side.

Blessed indeed is the first-born one
As she/he for sure has all the fun
Brothers sisters born later than
Are merely treated as also ran
The first-born is the prince of Wales
As future monarch whom everybody
The first-born boldly stakes its claims
On everything that it lordly aims
The first-born though be quite often rather
Less sister or brother more mother or father.
Love daddy.

Unknown said...

In place of 5th and 6th lines substitute as under:-
The first-born male is prince of Wales
As future monarch whom everybody hails
If however a first-born is she
She is not a worker but a queen bee

On Mother's day today our house got filled by gifts and cards sent by Surina and you; the chief recepient being Vandana (jagmata)
Of late she has made new acquisitions in shape of two grown-
down seniors, in their second childhood, whom she is bringing up like a caring mother. We both are enjoying this sweet experience.

Unknown said...

Days pass on ….weeks drop by…months unfold and years wrap up…..
Time ticks on, pausing for none…Childhood revels in its exhilarating freshness of freedom for a short while before allowing adulthood to elbow in with its countless responsibilities and innumerable commitments—years seem to disappear in our mad race of worldly pursuits in a flash, before giving in to the inevitable arrival of the evening of life….
Of all the events celebrated, among all the moments reminisced, of all the days eagerly awaited, the one that reigns supreme in significance is the unique point that marks one’s entry into this realm…the day of our birth.
Irrespective of our age, position or occupation this special day is the only time of the year that reverses the clock! Airs evaporate, inhibitions dissolve and role-playing ends…. From the depth of our being emerges a cry of innocence that takes us back millions of years in a thundering gallop of reflections and recollections into the virgin days of our childhood, transforming us from cool, collected and composed individuals to irresponsible, immature and demanding little ones, infusing into every moment a touch of immortal gold that is peculiar and singular only to children….
Birthday greetings shower in from every corner of the world….gifts pour in from every dear one….surprises abound ceaselessly throughout the day and tokens of love adorn every gesture….The Day that arrives at the stroke of midnight unfolds slowly but surely through a touching combination of heartfelt acts and events into yet another marvelous memory of momentous magic….
Pranams, love and Birthday wishes to the May 31st arrivals:
Nuabou – the gifted founder of this sacred site...
& Sanjubhai –the uncompromising enforcer of discipline & security to ensure safety and peace.

Babi & Vicky