Bandana Mousi and family left on Thursday. Next day Naren, Vivek and Bobby were supposed to drive over and join us. Bobby made it OK. Naren and Vivek had to cancel their trip due to floods in Iowa, a state they had to cross to reach Nebraska. Babi got a chance to witness the raw fury of Midwest weather Friday night when we had severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in Lincoln and Omaha. Jyoti and Jeff were planning to come over but decided to stay put. So we had a much smaller get together that turned out to be warm and cozy due to its intimate size. When families are together nothing can dampen the spirit. Next day we went to Omaha to have lunch with Jyoti and Jeff.
This picture was taken in Jyoti and Jeff's backyard. We had nice time exploring their nest. Babi and Bobby felt so comfortable to be with, it was hard to believe they were just visiting. Lunch was full of fun at The Cheesecake Factory. At times we got decidedly rambunctious and had to tip the waiters extra to be allowed back again someday. Sunday came too soon and we saw Babi off. Monday morning Bobby left for Oklahoma with promise to come back. I thought of writing in the blog that night but could not settle down enough to sit in front of the computer.
Few days passed in anticipation of our scheduled visit to Mayo Clinic. Wednesday afternoon we started our drive with promise of good weather. We chose to avoid the flooded plains of South-East Iowa and took a different route through North and Western part of Iowa. The roads took us through some of the most scenic views with large vistas of green carpet and sky that rivalled God's own creation. Seven hours of this soothing balm and we were in Rochester. We thought we had a leisurely drive but we reached the hotel room and crashed. Sachi was out like a bulb. I walked around in the room too tired to do anything and too restless to sleep. Next morning was Sachi's CT scan and blood work. At 2:30 PM we met with the surgeon, Dr. Kasperbauer (who did the surgery on Sachi), and were shown the images of the scan. They were clean. The day brightened up real fast after that. We met with the oncologist, Dr. Garces (radiation) and Dr. Okuno (chemotherapy) next day and were told Sachi is doing fine. He is where they expect him to be at two and a half months post treatment. They recommended he go back to work half time initially and then increase the time. We listened to all their evaluations with gratitude. The day was sunny, the scan was clean, we knew everything was wonderful. We spent the evening watching TV movies and eating in our favourite Indian Restaurant. Next day we came home. Same route, same scenic drive, same seven hours, no crashing with fatigue though. Happiness is very energising.
Jyoti and Jeff sent us beautiful sunset colored roses to celebrate our happy homecoming. We were touched. We had not realised that they too had been waiting so keenly for the good news. Two days later (yesterday) they sent us another bouquet of delicate, fragrant, pink roses. Bemused we opened the card and read 'ITS A GIRL'. Jyoti had an ultra-sound yesterday afternoon and found this out. We are still celebrating this great news of Lakshmi coming into our home. Sachi plans to be all healed up by November so he can enjoy the precious gift in his arms.
Jyoti and Jeff are beaming these days; and it shows. This picture was taken last weekend in their yard. The hammock was a wedding gift from Seema. They love it.
It feels good to share joy with you all.
You were our solace through hard times,
Now you double our pleasure.