Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Outdoor Beckons

It is beautiful outside. The air is crisp and clean, warm enough to shed the sweater and venture out in the sunshine. Summer flowers have just begun the show. The peonies are laden with buds and red geraniums and hydrngeas are in bloom. Sachi finds plenty of reasons to get out and sit in the yard. He likes to walk over to the mail box to get the mail and retreive the newspaper. By the way do you know where the word news came from? It is made up of North-East-West-South. I am reading a lot of books these days and am bursting with hundreds of these tid bits of information. Back to Sachi. He is threatening to start driving now. He takes hydrocodone for pain and cannot drive while using it. He is trying to get off of it so he can go out in his dear truck. He continues to sample food. This is not going as well and as fast as he would like to. But there is still some progress. He gained about ten lbs. and now is steady at that weight. His endurance has definitely improved. He is joining us in more and more activities. With the boys at home there is more going on and wider variety of activities to choose from. They often convince him to accompany them for some short outings.

We are enjoying all the blessings of home life that come our way. Hope you are too.


Unknown said...

Sometimes I suspect you have jumped the queue into the inner reserve of retired life! You look so relaxed and yet so ready to spring into action, so composed and yet so fit to reclaim the reins of your life, so peaceful and yet so restless to surge ahead with a gush of conserved energy.....!
Pictures of the family in different places and poses, and words of wisdom derived from voracious reading are a source of great relief in the fact that life is slowly, ever so slowly, but surely crawling back to its hey days of fun and frolic.... After putting you and Nuabou through the grinding mill of uncertainty and insecurity, polishing both of you in the fire of suffering and endurance, God is at last smiling at your triumph over His testing times and rewarding you with sunny times galore!
As you race back to normalcy in slow motion, allow the freshness of nature to fill your lungs with enthusiasm leading to exhilaration, promise leading to positivity, energy leading to elation....
This is a wonderful time to maintain a journal.....a friend to whom you can talk everyday and share your thoughts with as you go along. Apart from relieving some weight off your chest, it will also serve to crystallize your reflections for revisiting later. As artists, both of you are already well acquainted with the ecstatic release of emotion through the emerging images on the canvas.....The more ways there are of artistic expression, the higher levels of Divinity we scale....till the heavenly Abode of our Creator is within our reach.....With every stroke of the paintbrush that brings out a hidden feeling from within, with every word of intensity that calls forth the muffled whispers from our true self, with every note of a song that touches the heart, we witness the mingling of opposites into one enthralling identity......The artist disappears into his work of art, the writer merges with the written, the singer dissolves into his song.... A state of mystery that borders on a divine experience that can only be lived, not expressed.......
Pranams & Prayers

Angela said...

Dr. Mahapatra,
The words I put together don't seem as eloquent and graceful as other posters!! I am actually humbled by passages written by your wife, family and friends. Wow - is the best I can come up with!! Anyway, myself and the crew in the cath lab in Grand Island would like you to know that you are in our thoughts and conversations on a regular basis and more importantly in our prayers daily. I enjoy getting to read about your progress and seeing recent pictures as you recover. Every now and then Dr. Ayala gives us the "offical" report when he journeys out to Central Nebraska!! We are keeping busy, or should I say, we are keeping Dr. Fruehling busy! We anxiously await the arrival of Dr. Kosmicki this summer. In a sense, we have a garden with all kinds of new growth happening out here!
Until we see you again, we hope and pray for a speedy, successful recovery.
Take Care,
Angela McDermott